Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The Missions Team is not only a team of people who love to help others but an open door to anyone who has the passion and drive to make a difference in the world.

Mission Opportunities

Mexico Missions
We will continue supporting Mexico Missions during the Covid pandemic in ways that will serve them while maintaining safe guidelines.

Care & Support
Available Year Round
Help us provide care cards, care meals, care calls, care drivers, holiday support and decoration, wedding organization and decoration, memorial services, and support. We also have a passionate quilting team.

Pumpkin Patch
Who would have thought that you could help change lives by selling pumpkins? 100% of the proceeds go exclusively towards serving our local community with food baskets, Adopt-A-Student backpacks, Mission:Ridgecrest and other outreach opportunities that serve the people of Ridgecrest.

Missions Ridgecrest
Last Saturday of the Month
Showing God's love to the community as a community. Supporting the elderly, single people, spouses, deployed service personnel, and others who need help by doing small construction jobs, start-up and shut-down of coolers, yard clean-up, and other tasks.