“To glorify God by encouraging unchurched people
The Mission
Our hope is to be a church whose doors are open to everyone living in, working in or visiting Ridgecrest. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whether you're just beginning to investigate Christianity or you already have a mature relationship with Jesus, we're here to help you take the next step spiritually and to offer you a place where you can be as involved as you choose.
We are committed to the Bible as our guide for living and to the necessity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. However, we realize that not everyone has arrived at this understanding. That is why we are a “safe place” for those who would like to examine the claims of Christianity. We invite all truth seekers to attend our services and learn more.
We are committed to the Bible as our guide for living and to the necessity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. However, we realize that not everyone has arrived at this understanding. That is why we are a “safe place” for those who would like to examine the claims of Christianity. We invite all truth seekers to attend our services and learn more.

Crossroads Believes:
- There is a God that loves us and wants a personal relationship with us.
- That God has given us the Bible, His inspired Word, to be the basis for knowing His will for our lives.
- That Jesus Christ is God and became man to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins that we might have a relationship with God if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
- That we can have a relationship with God because of God's Grace and Christ's work on the cross. The relationship is not a result of works that we do.
- That God has uniquely designed and equipped each of us to be fruitful while helping others come to know Christ and to grow in His love.
- As a body we are to have unity on salvation issues, liberty on non-salvation issues, and charity in all issues.
Core Values
Our values serve as guiding principles on how we “do church” and, in many ways make us feel different from other churches. They define our “culture” as a faith community.
We value:
God. Therefore, everything we do is to honor God through our devotion to service, praise, worship, and giving.
People. Therefore, we strive to show God's love through our lives.
The Bible. Therefore, we accept it as the inspired work (word) of God and as the final authority in all matters.
Evangelism. Therefore, we present God's offer of salvation in a culturally relevant way while remaining doctrinally pure.
Spiritual Growth. Therefore, we encourage believers to identify and develop their spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.
Community. Therefore, we are committed to life groups, family and fellowship with one another, striving for peace and unity of spirit.
Authenticity. Therefore, we desire to be truthful, vulnerable, accountable, forgiving, loving, and compassionate in all relationships.
We value:
God. Therefore, everything we do is to honor God through our devotion to service, praise, worship, and giving.
People. Therefore, we strive to show God's love through our lives.
The Bible. Therefore, we accept it as the inspired work (word) of God and as the final authority in all matters.
Evangelism. Therefore, we present God's offer of salvation in a culturally relevant way while remaining doctrinally pure.
Spiritual Growth. Therefore, we encourage believers to identify and develop their spiritual gifts and the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.
Community. Therefore, we are committed to life groups, family and fellowship with one another, striving for peace and unity of spirit.
Authenticity. Therefore, we desire to be truthful, vulnerable, accountable, forgiving, loving, and compassionate in all relationships.